Sandhata Reimagined Women’s Day: Empowering Through Impact

A Bold Move Towards Purpose

This Women’s Day, Sandhata took a bold step away from tradition. In a resounding departure from convention this Women’s Day, Sandhata embarked on a trailblazing journey, led by the organization itself in honour of its remarkable women employees.

Sandhata chose purposeful action to empower women far beyond the realms of the workplace.
Recognizing the evolving ethos of this significant day, Sandhata’s leadership redirected resources towards carefully selected charitable endeavours.

This decisive move underscored the organization’s unwavering commitment to championing causes that resonate with its values and drive tangible, meaningful change. The unveiling of Sandhata’s partnership with a specific organization soon followed, serving as a testament to the company’s steadfast dedication to advancing the lives of women beyond the confines of its walls.

It became a celebration of collective strength and a stirring call to action, inviting all to contemplate the transformative potential of purpose-driven support.

Beyond the Walls: Extending Our Impact

In a transformative stride echoing Sandhata’s ethos of purpose-driven action and community empowerment, Sandhata planned to bolster impactful women’s charities in both India and the UK. This strategic decision, made in homage to Sandhata’s exceptional Women of Sandhata (WOS), marks a pivotal leap towards amplifying the organization’s impact beyond organizational boundaries.

Inspired by the resilience and dedication of Sandhata’s women, several representatives took proactive measures to identify deserving charitable causes. Among them, the Indian Chennai Charity emerged as a beacon of hope, dedicated to uplifting and empowering women in the Chennai community, at Children’s Home of Hope. 

As part of the organization’s commitment to effecting tangible change, these representatives embarked on a visit to witness firsthand the transformative impact of the organization’s initiatives.

The visit provided a poignant insight into the lives of women whose stories of resilience and triumph over adversity serve as a testament to the power of collective support and opportunity. It was a stark reminder of the profound impact achievable through collaboration and purposeful action.

This gesture epitomizes Sandhata’s core values of compassion, empowerment, and community
engagement. By investing in initiatives that empower women and foster positive change, the
organization not only honors the remarkable contributions of its women employees but also
reaffirms its commitment to creating a more equitable and inclusive society, locally and globally.

Beyond Borders: A Global Commitment

In addition to Sandhata’s endeavors in India, its UK team made a substantial contribution to the
empowerment of women to the Wonder Foundation UK, an organization dedicated to supporting
women and girls through education and training programs. This gesture underscores Sandhata’s dedication to effecting change on a global scale, ensuring that women everywhere have the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

Through these concerted efforts, Sandhata aims to extend its support beyond its immediate community and contribute to the empowerment and well-being of those in need. As an organization that values its women employees, Sandhata believes in uplifting others and creating a positive impact wherever it can.

This Women’s Day, Sandhata celebrated the spirit of giving and compassion that binds its community together.

The Sandhata Experience: Amplifying Empowerment:

We’re thrilled to highlight the experiences of Sandhata’s India (Chennai,Pune,Hyderabad,Bangalore)& UK employees who participated in the chosen charity events:

Women of Sandhata Charity

A collage of pics from 2022

Goodbye 2022

2022 has been an action-packed year for Sandhata!


Besides delivering specialised consulting services to a wide range of clients, we have doubled down our focus on our employees. We have taken the opportunity to meet up face to face as much as possible and put on more events than ever to build team spirit and collaboration.


Here is a quick run down of some of the things which happened in 2022.



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Celebrating World Bicycle Day


The Sandhata team recently participated in an event organised by our partner charity, Manavata, to raise awareness of, and celebrate, the bicycle.


The event, held in Hyderabad, India, encouraged people to experience the world from the seat of their bicycle and share their cycling stories. On World Environment Day, this event also shone a spotlight on the vital importance of the bicycle in reducing our environmental impact.


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The first 100 days of 2022. What have we been up to?

What have we been up to?


2022 is well underway! I thought now was a good time to take a look back over the first 100 days of 2022 and recap on what’s been going on at Sandhata.


New Technical Frontiers

In April 2022, we launched our new API Platform. This is a really exciting milestone for us as we are now able to support our clients better by providing them with API services or a fully hosted API Platform.


January saw us sign a service agreement to provide employee services for Oracle across the Oracle stack.


We were very proud to achieve the milestone of over 100 consultants working at a single client. This is testament to our team’s excellence across many different technologies, and our client’s trust in us.

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Picture team members with their hands together

We see you, we support you

Raising up women, people from less privileged backgrounds and folks who have had a long career break.


Here at Sandhata, we know that our actions, and the way we operate as an organisation, can have a huge impact on the lives of our people. We take our responsibility to our employees and potential employees very seriously.

Here are just a few ways we help to make our workforce more diverse, and support our employees by striving for an inclusive workplace.


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Sandhata donation for Manavata COVID-19 Emergency Appeal

Sandhata launched a donation matching scheme to support the Manavata COVID-19 Emergency Appeal on 14th May 2020. Sandhata pledged to match employee donations to Manavata to  provide much needed support in this time of greatly increased social need.

To date Sandhata has raised over £8,000 to Manavata which has already assisted their work on the ground.

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